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Emotional Design Psychology & Neuroscience (EDP)
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Downloads for EDP
1. The Emotion-Behavior Model
The Emotion-Behavior Model (EBM) (6:14)
Emotion-Behavior Model Overview (9:12)
Types Of Behavior (2:24)
2. EBM: Sense Perception
Trigger Events & Sense Perception (8:32)
3. EBM: Memory & Associations
Schemas & Long-term Memory (9:47)
Schemas & Congruency (12:19)
Learned Associations (16:27)
4. EBM: Emotion & Motivation
Emotional Response (5:23)
Emotional Motivators (11:59)
Motivational Chemistry (10:45)
5. EBM: Habits, Consciousness & Appraisal
Behavior (Habitual) (7:17)
Consciousness (4:35)
Cognitive Appraisal (5:56)
6. EBM: Decisions, Memory & Energy
Decision Making (19:02)
Working-Memory (9:38)
Glucose Consumption (9:59)
Friction (6:42)
7. Cugelman Emotion Map
Overview (0:12)
What’s An Emotion (4:22)
Emotion Map Exercise (4:17)
Learning The Cugelman Emotion Map (17:06)
8. Measuring Emotion
Covered in the LIVE tutorials
9. Emotional Design Strategies
Overview (0:43)
Motivational Quadrants (4:10)
Emotional Transitions (10:26)
Emotional Transition Strategy (10:49)
Implicit Opposite Emotions (3:22)
10. Dopamine Emotions
Overview (2:21)
Triggering Dopamine (2:03)
Expectation & Approach (5:18)
Error Coding (6:56)
Curiosity In Design (5:53)
Overcoming Habituation (6:17)
Uncertainty (5:40)
Reward Proximity (2:23)
Addiction (5:49)
11. Cortisol Emotions
Overview (2:54)
Level Of Stress (3:32)
Healthy Stress (Pressure) (5:33)
Unhealthy Stress (Over Pressured) (7:43)
Psychological Torture Design (5:49)
Digital Stress Reduction (12:10)
12. Oxytocin Emotions
Overview (3:44)
Human-Computer Relationships (4:35)
Estrogen & Testosterone Shaped Brains (4:54)
Oxytocin & Humanized Brands (7:13)
Authenticity Detection (5:20)
Digital Body Language (7:05)
Attachment Anxiety & Retention (10:53)
Possessiveness & Digital Territory (6:27)
13. Repulsive & Attractive
Disgust & Morality (11:23)
Trypophobia (Warning) (6:54)
Trypophobia (Safe Images) (3:23)
Uncanny Valley (3:01)
Using Repulsion Emotions (3:24)
Cute Aggression (4:00)
Moral Disgust & Genocide (3:07)
14. Hierarchy-Related Emotions
Overview (5:11)
Social Status, Pride & Shame (11:32)
Neuro Leadership (6:00)
Empowerment & Disempowerment (15:36)
Respect & Disrespect (17:42)
Gratitude & Appreciation (3:21)
Flattery & Comforting Lies (7:21)
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What’s An Emotion
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